Thursday 3 June 2010

the sun is shining, and the weather is... FUCKING HOT.,

duuuude, have you seen the weather today? gutted to the holidaymakers of these past few days - its hotter than Athens in MK today! :)

so i stayed up kinda late with tom last night, smokin some doobs and drinkin some portoguese viiiinooo. i made him like, THE BEST dinner EVER. grilled chick'onn alla leemon drizzala avec stuffed pepper! i'd be surprised if he didnt do a little excited dance when he saw it haha. we had this dreamy ass sleep (except i got shot in my dream by that crazy cumbria man with a gun...), woke up at like 11 maybe? then to finish a sleepover well, of course, we had breakfast with blueberries. nom nom nom.

i called bizz cus i just couldnt bare to waste an eighth and this weather so we met at skate park in newps. the problem i had was the 14 year old (at a guess - you never know with kids these days) juston bieber hair cut boys. like - NO JOKE. all fucking like... eight i think of them with the SAME haircut. now, ive heard this kids like some phenomenon of the pop culture of that age group right now (literally no importance to me...) but like, is this what everyone saw our generation as when all the boys had david beckham cuts? or the era of the "curtain"... "french crop"..."nike-tick-shaved-into-your-hair-cut"... cus i feel like a proper old lady laughing at them!! and theyre matching shorts. theyre not yet at an age i guess where anything goes. where if your shorts are slightly too high your whole year group will yell at you "GAYBOY" everyday of your schooling life. its so funny. kids are funny. at that vunerable age where your whole life depends on the people either side of you at that moment. whether you stick out too much, wether you're too tall, wether your'e wearing similar earrings, if you're having the same as them for lunch (do NOT daaaaare want chips for lunch if everyone else wants tesco!). it makes me question the desire to want to fit in...

im going out tonight infact. to one of the most devil places in milton keynes - Oceana. god forbid i wear heels and noone else is. haha! or dare to defy the rule of "black lace dress thursday". hahahahaha. i hope i can manage to stand out in that place. ill probably feel a bit sick if i dont. please please - all of you - pray for me to look different lol.


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