Sunday 6 June 2010

do your damn revision

dont wine at me your exams are coming up while your on study leave this summer my A level students. dont whine at me and tell me how much its getting you down. to be frank, i dont care. yeah, im not in your boat, yeah i dont have to think about anything after i finish my day at work, but likewise, im on the constant subconcious budget - id marvel at you working out what exactly you would do with £2 to stretch dinners in the last week before payday... probs go out for a couple in Opus on a thursday night aye?

ultimately, you couldnt be arsed to think for yourself and went into 6th form, dreaming of your parties at uni in two years time. well i hope your qualifications in world development means you get to hang with a real fun bunch at some Met uni up north. and i hope you meet some interesting people and do totally wild things... i mean you constantly highlight how disgusted you are with my lifestyle from time to time. god forbid you forget your own name and make a few mistakes in your time...

i probably am bitter at my lack of chance, but just dont whine please, else ill
bitter all over your face

ps. when your results come in, dont invite me to your parties of educated folk... you have already made it quite clear to me you think im odd. i have no time for your immature quibber of what bodycon dress youre going to wear at graduation - as fashion organization is key right? i mean, its only 4 years away? best get lookin' now!!!

pss. this rant does in no mean apply to all A Level students about to take your final exams. i have no doubt that there is some people out there able to sit zero resits and be applying to decent universities with genuine intentions. i have every faith in you guys and i wish so bad i was doin' it with you. i hope you kick ass and create some cancer fighting shit when your out or design me some sweet fashion lines to wear when im a bit older and a bit richer.


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