Wednesday 2 June 2010

good afternoon madame

so im back on track. lifes on a roll. stuffs finally in some kinda weaved direction... kinda like a boat with a really shitty sail - but i wont knock it - there was definitely a point when there was no sail at all...

to follow is gunna be a lot of twisted, political brashness, and general spite towards the general public - im not gunna lie! like, im a super nice person (honest!), i just hate anything stereotypical and common and it bothers me when i see people happily slipping into this. unfortunately, like a wise guy once told me, im the odd one out and unfortunately everyone actually thinks im the wierd one... so generally no one listens to me when i get passionate about stuff. not even my mum! haha.

im a writer at heart. like, i actually love it. babbling and ballsing and verbally abusing a subject until its so tired of being spanked of all its worth its screaming for me to quit with the metaphorics and such. if my parents had believed in me (and maybe if i believed in myself some more) i probably wouldve stamped all over a couple A levels in literature and happily studied some media and writing courses at uni. not that i think its easy, but i know i wasnt dumb, and generally speaking, other girls just like me are picking thier uni's as i type - sort of depressing. it seems the big dude upstairs chose a different path for me though - compared to every other eighteen year old i know, he sent my shitty sail into full time work 2 months after i took my GCSE's, as a desk dolly at various establishments so far, none of which ive EVER thought i could stay for the rest of my life. im sure you'll learn about my occupation in future posts - theres nothing about that place i wouldnt wanna rant about at times - good and bad.

anyway, i guess i want to exercise my only talent. im intrigued to see if anyone will really read it. perhaps its all in vain. perhaps im royally screwed in all truth. perhaps my boat with its shitty sails' gunna anchor itself into my polish rooted furniture company and ill meet my future husband there. gosh, maybe its destined my kids will even work there, and then ill live on the premises and... ARGH. STOP. gross to think.

wait. my housemate just got home. you'll hear about her lots too. i promised i'd make dinner tonight... sorry


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